Big Issue

Missing Series Link Behaviour for Sky One (106) for Sunday 29th June for 24hrs from 18:00hrs

In this 24hr period there were 29 programmes broadcast, of which 23 were linked.

This equates to 79.31 % of programmes being linked.

Below you will find a list of programmes that were not linked by Sky One for this period. My intention is to highlight these and to suggest as to whether any of them could have been linked, and if so, what the overall % could have been.

00:20 - Law & Order (Part 1) - Should have been linked, part 2 on 01:20hrs.
01:20 - Law & Order (Part 2) - No link required, no further programme listed.
02:15 - The Anna Nicole Show - No link required, no further programme listed.
04:20 - Philly - No link required, no further programme listed.
13:00 - Dream Team - Should be linked, regular repeated showings
16:00 - Stargate - Could have been linked, regular repeat showing

Sky do so well so why miss out shows like this?  

Out of the remaining 6 programmes, 3 could have been linked, which would have given a new total of 26 programmes linked, therefore equating to a new daily % of 89.65 %, an improvement of 10.34 %.

Series Link Behaviour for Sky One (106) for Monday 30th June for 24hrs from 18:00hrs

In this 24hr period there were 30 programmes broadcast, of which 27 were linked.

This equates to 90 % of programmes being linked.

List of programmes not linked.

22:00 - Police Stop - No link required - No further programme listed.
13:00 - Dream Team - Should be linked, programme on every day.
16:00 - Stargate - Should be linked, regular repeat showing.

Stargate used to have Series Links - why no longer?  

Out of remaining 3 programmes, 2 could have been linked, which would have given a new total of 29 programmes linked, therefore equating to a new daily % of 96.66 %, an improvement of 6.66 %

Series Link Behaviour for Sky One (106) for Tuesday 1st July for 24hrs from 18:00hrs

In this 24hr period there were 28 programmes broadcast, of which 24 were linked.

This equates to 85.71 % of programmes being linked.

List of programmes not linked

18:00 - Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Should be linked, regular repeat showing.
22:00 - Alive - No link required - Film.
04:45 (02.07.03) - Walkers World - No link required, no further listings
16:00 - Stargate - Should have been linked, regular repeat showing

You dont get "bigger" than Buffy - so why not series link it?  

Out of remaining 4 programmes broadcast, 2 could have been linked, which would have given a new total of 26 programmes linked, therefore equating to a new daily % of 92.85 %, an improvement of 7.14 %

Series Link Behaviour for Sky One (106) for Wednesday 2nd July for 24hrs from 18:00hrs

In this 24hr period there were 31 programmes broadcast, of which 26 were linked.

This equates to 83.87 % of programmes linked.

List of programmes not linked.

18:00 - Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Should be linked, regular repeat showing.
21:00 - Celebrities Behaving Badly - No link required, no further listings.
03:55 (03.07.03) - Kirsty's Home Videos - Should be linked, on 04:40hrs
04:20 - Kirsty's Home Videos - Should be linked, programme on every day.
16:00 - Stargate - Should be linked, regular repeat showing.

Home Video?  Reminds me of a little system called where's that series link?

Out of the remaining 5 programmes broadcast, 4 could have been linked, which would have given a new total of 30 programmes linked, therefore equating to a new daily % of 96.77 %, an improvement of 12.9 %.

Series Link Behaviour for Sky One (106) for Thursday 3rd July for 24hrs from 18:00hrs

In this 24hr period there were 30 programmes broadcast, of which 27 were linked.

This equates to 90 % of programmes being linked.

List of programmes not linked.

18:00 - Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Should be linked, regular repeat showing.
03:55 (04.07.03) - American Gothic - Should be linked, regular repeat showing.
16:00 - Stargate - Should be linked, regular repeat showing.

Series Links are neither American or Gothic, but it is scary when these links don't appear!  

Out of the remaining 3 programmes broadcast, all 3 could have been linked, which would have given a new total all 30 programmes linked, therefore equating to a new daily % of 100 %, an improvement of 10 %

Series Link Behaviour for Sky One (106) for Friday 4th July for 24hrs from 18:00hrs

In this 24hr period there were 31 programmes broadcast, of which 26 were linked.

This equates to 83.87 % of programmes being linked.

List of programmes not linked

18:00 - Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Should be linked, regular repeat showing.
20:00 - Malcolm In The Middle - Should be linked, programme back on 12.07.03
21:00 - Trading Places - No link required - Film.
06:00 (05.07.03) - Next Generation - Should be linked, programme on 06.07.03
17:00 - Dinotopia : The Series - Should be linked, programme next on 06.07.03

Extinct?  No - series links are merely rare in Dinotopia land  

Out of the remaining 5 programmes broadcast, 4 could have been linked, which would have given a new total of 30 programmes linked, therefore equating to a new daily % of 96.77 %, an improvement of 12.9 %

Series Link Behaviour for Sky One (106) for Saturday 5th July for 24hrs from 18:00hrs

In this 24hr period there were 29 programmes broadcast, of which 22 were linked.

This equates to 75.86 % of programmes being linked.

List of programmes not linked

18:00 - Buffy: Television With A Bite - No link required, one off special edition
22:50 - When Celebrities Attract - Should be linked, back on 08.07.03
00:50 (06.07.03) - Fear Factor - Should be linked, back on at 21:00hrs
01:40 - WWE Smackdown - Should be linked, regular repeat showings.
04:20 - Next Generation - Should be linked, regular repeat showings.
05:10 - Next Generation - Should be linked, regular repeat showings.
06:00 - The Hour Of Power - Should be linked, back on 13.07 03

Worf: Captain - You have a ladder in your tights..  Picard: Yes Worf but at least I'm not wearing red!  

Out of the remaining 7 programmes broadcast, 6 could have been linked, which would have given a new total of 28 programmes linked, therefore equating to a new daily % of 96.55 %, an improvement of 20.69 %.

Overall Conclusion to Sky Ones Series Link Behaviour

As it stands with what Sky One offered in the way of Series Links, they really do have to be commended. As expected, Sky appear to come out on top when it comes to linking their programmes.

The best day for links was a joint effort with Monday 29th June and Thursday 3rd July with a massive 90 %.

The worst day for links, if indeed I can use the phrase ' worst ', was Saturday 5th July, with a very healthy 75.86 %.

The best day in terms of possible improvements could have been Thursday 3rd July, where had had they of linked the remaining 3 programmes, that magical 100 % would have been truly smacked on the head.

To balance the books, the worst day for improvements would have been Saturday 5th July, where 6 programmes could have been linked, equating to an improvement of 20.69 %, which could have taken the total up to 96.55 %

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